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Board of Directors 

Mary Canady believes that understanding the roots of human behavior have been instrumental in her success as a business and personal consultant.  Her statement that she attended the School of Human Observation has made it possible to be sought after by businesses for analysis, assessment and daily operations advice.  During this period, she held many other eclectic positions including Medical, Dental, Real Estate, and Interior Design. She also spent 10 years in the Banking industry.  


In addition, she has unique healing talents in the Metaphysical field.  She enjoys being the owner of Embrace Pain Free Living. Mary is an excellent public speaker and is currently on the Board of Directors for The Red Paper Clip Center, a non-profit organization that helps people who have undergone domestic violence to get back on their feet.  


Her current focus is on using Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) to bring about transformative healing results with her clients from all over the world. 

She has been on the Board of Directors for the Enlightenment Center since 2016. 

Heather M. Clarke has a passion for helping other people discover their own spirituality and enlightenment. In 2005, she started with a dream in a little house—the Arizona Enlightenment Center. It has since grown to a family with a vision for the future as they create a community to touch people and help them embrace their own greatness. She graduated from Arizona State University in 1967 with a Bachelors's Degree in Business Administration. 



It’s no accident that you picked up this book. You could have picked up the one to the right of it or to the left, but no, you picked up THIS book. Whether you know it or not, you have personal guides with you at all times, arranging things for you so you can have the experiences you need to grow into your highest potential. This is a collection of 44 little stories, not one over two pages long that will remind you of universal truths that you already know but have forgotten. Use it as a daily guide, a “bathroom book,” or take it with you for guidance and inspiration whenever you need it. Are you ready? Open the book to any one of the stories and see how it applies to what is going on in your life today.

I've been on my own spiritual journey my entire adult life, beginning with my desire to heal from experiences I endured as a young child. Venturing down the self-help path provided some comfort and healing, but it wasn't until I realized that the true path to love and peace was intentionally aligning with divine guidance did I start to truly heal. 


I learned to trust my intuition early on and as I continued to get out of my own way and trust God, I've been able to intentionally connect to spirit. I've learned that I'm merely a channel to help others experience love, peace, and healing. 


I've been using my intuition in my career as an educator for many, many years hiding for fear of judgment. But what I've learned is that stepping into my truth liberates others to do the same.


Moreover, I've learned that being in alignment with who we really are...LOVE, takes courage. 


And courage is always available.           

Judy dedicated 10 years to developing and facilitating a Retired Foster Grandparent Program Director in Montana. She has been a metaphysical student and energy teacher and healer for over 20 years. She served as a National Red Cross volunteer for 30 years and was a  National Red Cross employee in disaster services for 5 years. She coordinated business start-up for 3 major Montana-based companies and was event co-coordinator and volunteer leader for BracoAmerica for one year.


She has served on the Arizona Enlightenment Center Board of Directors for many years and focuses on recruiting volunteers to ensure smooth operation of many of the Center’s events. 

Cindy Thelen has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English/Psychology from the State University of New York. She has extensive experience managing various businesses. Her most recent position required her to coordinate all aspects of the company’s operations, serving largely as the sole decision maker, planner, the supervisor, trainer and manager. 


She is highly intuitive and is a Certified Life Coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. She has worked as a volunteer coordinator for Hospice in Trinidad, Colorado. Her focus is to help develop the business aspect of the Enlightenment Center.

Jan studied at Mary Baldwin College, University of Georgia (psychology), Nashville State Technical Institute (computer programming), The Ford Institute (integrative coaching & shadow work).


She has worked as an executive secretary, bookkeeper, office manager, sales associate, realtor, and computer programmer. 


Her spiritual journey began in the late 1980s.   Important spiritual teachers include Unity of Phoenix, Arizona Enlightenment Center, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, Ronna Herman Vezane (teachings of AA Michael), Gary Zukov, Byron Katie, Colin Tipping, Neale Donald Walsch and many others.  She is also a student of A Course of Miracles and A Course of Love.


Jan shs served on the Arizona Enlightenment Center Board of Directors since 2012.

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